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but Tucker was at his side, supporting him.
 Come on, babe. Down we go, he whispered as they
crumpled to the ground together.  I m here.
Jud clung to Tucker as he writhed, fighting to catch his
breath. It all came flooding in: their first kiss, stolen
moments in the locker room showers, going to the movies,
learning of Carla s pregnancy, the many subsequent
What Happened to Larry Alan? | Dawn Kimberly Johnson | 71
arguments and tears, the breakup, graduation, heading off
to different colleges, Tucker s marriage, the birth of his
daughter, reconnecting, the divorce, and then the two of
them starting their professional lives together in their old
hometown Jud at the paper and Tucker at Lynburg
Ham had his cell out.  Should I call someone? he
asked, looking on with worried eyes.  He was rushing out to
meet you, Tuck, and I m afraid I distracted him. That ball did
hit him pretty hard.
Jud s breathing eased as the rush of information
slowed. He opened his eyes again and looked up into
Tucker s frightened face. Jud grinned.  I m okay, Tuck. Just
a bit dizzy. Jud continued to clutch at Tucker s shirt. My
God, you smell good, Jud thought, turning his face into
Tucker s chest and inhaling deeply.
 We re going to the hospital, Tucker said.
 I think he ll be fine now, son, Topher interrupted,
reassuringly gazing into Tucker s eyes.  But maybe you
ought to take him home?
Tucker nodded.  Good idea. They got to their feet, and
Tucker helped Jud to his car, sat him in the front seat, and
buckled him in.  There you go. A quick caress of Jud s face
and a kiss to his lips had him smiling like an idiot as Tucker
dashed around to the driver s side.
Jud glanced back into the park and shared a smile with
Topher just as his memory of the man began fading,
becoming blurry and soft around the edges much like his
memories of his life before that soccer ball to the head. Jud
What Happened to Larry Alan? | Dawn Kimberly Johnson | 72
placed his palm against the passenger window as if about to
question the old man, but reflected sunlight from a passing
car blinded him briefly, and when Jud could see again, the
man was gone.
 Call me later, Ham shouted.  Let me know how he s
doing, okay?
 You bet, Tucker said, giving their friend a quick wave
before sliding behind the wheel.
Inside the car Jud remained silent until they had pulled
away and were heading home, then he asked,  We ve been
together officially together for four years, right? Tucker
tossed him a worried glance, but Jud smiled calmly.  I m all
right, Tuck. Just thinking out loud.
 Listen, let s just spend the night alone at home. Carla s
mother has Rosie for the night. We can skip the reunion.
 Reunion, Jud whispered in wonderment, his hand
rising unconsciously again to scratch at his chest.
 No, Tuck. Let s go. I want to go. Jud fought to keep the
whine out of his voice.
Tucker patted his knee as they turned onto their street.
 Let s just see how you feel later, okay?
Jud nodded as he looked at Tucker and let his new
memories wash over him. I recognize all this, he thought. I
know the way home. He remembered the first time they d
made love, for real, as a committed couple pledging their
lives to each other. He remembered painting their house,
mowing the lawn, and the two of them, as a comical, if
formidable team, chasing a bat out of the attic. Jud chuckled
to himself.
 What s so funny?
What Happened to Larry Alan? | Dawn Kimberly Johnson | 73
 I m just happy, Tuck. Jud reached out and took
Tucker s hand, hoping with all his might that he wouldn t
wake up from this. He saw concern lingering in Tucker s
 You sure you just don t want to stay in? his partner
Jud shook his head.  It s our ten-year reunion. I want to
see how everyone turned out. I especially want to find out
what happened to Larry Alan.
Tucker laughed.  Ah-ha! Now I get it.
 You heard the rumor that our hometown celebrity was
coming tonight, and you re dying for an autograph.
Jud searched the jumble of new memories in his brain,
but couldn t alight on one about Larry.  Huh?
 Larry and his wife suspended rehearsals for their latest
Broadway production just to attend the reunion. It was
announced today on the Noon Zoo at WKEX.
Jud couldn t keep the grin off his face as he stared at
Tucker.  Do you think he ll remember us?
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About the Author
DAWN KIMBERLY JOHNSON is a graduate of Marshall
University in Huntington, West Virginia, where she grew up
and still lives. For eight years she worked as a copy editor at
a daily newspaper before heading west to Oregon in search of
adventure. After eight years there, five of them good, she
returned home where she is trying to regain her health and
still hoping for the best.
Visit her LiveJournal at
You can contact her at
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