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operators, and was turning to leave when he spotted the colonel sprawled on
the deck, his back propped comfortably against the wall. The junior officer
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started to say something, thought better of it, and exited without comment.
 Well, did you get what you came for?
The large beaked skull pivoted easily on the long supple neck to regard him
out of oversized, alien blue eyes. Tight curlicues of iridescent gold and
purple glitter framed each eye. The Wais were ever conscious of their
appearance, even under unnatural conditions.
Lashes fluttered.  All that and more, Colonel Straat-ien. More than I could
have hoped for.
 I think we can drop the military appellation. Just call me Nevan.
 Very well. And you may address me by the familiar phonemic syllable.
 I ll try to remember that, whatever it is. Ready for the next battle?
 I must decide. She dipped her head to examine the compact recorder that
Nevan had yet to see absent from her wingtips, it being easier for a Wais to
move its eyes close to a subject to be studied than to raise it up for a
better look.  I have gathered so much material over the past days that I am
considering returning home to examine what I have acquired.
The importunate concern that Sergeant Conner had planted in Nevan s mind like
a permanent itch flared a little more brightly. It was impossible, of course.
There was no way she could have divined any truths from watching Conner work
on the Massood. Under leisurely examination the confrontation, should she
choose to fixate on it, might strike her as odd, but it was an unimaginable
jump from that to presuming heretofore unsuspected mental abilities on the
part of any Human being. The incident flaunted no raised flags, nothing overt
to provoke suspicion.
Still, Conner insisted he d sensed something. She d stared at him. Did that
mean anything except that the sergeant was overcautious? Nevan was not heir to
the same degree of paranoia that affected many Core members.
Only to a lesser degree.
Did she suspect anything at all? If so, given the Wais penchant for
discretion, would he be able to detect it no matter how clever and carefully
thought-out his queries?
 You really are fascinated by how we interact with other representatives of
the Weave. The Massood, for example.
 Particularly the Massood, since they are the only other intelligent Weave
species that has overcome their conventional state of civilized behavior
sufficiently to wield arms.
 Have you come to any conclusions? He smiled encouragingly.  Propounded any
She didn t reply immediately. Had there been something in his voice? He
reminded himself that she was an expert in Human language and expression. He
was going to have to tread as lightly with his questions as if walking on
 I haven t even begun to collate my research, much less postulate
He was unwilling to let it go at that.  Surely there must be some things that
you ve found of more interest than others? Some observations or revelations
that have particularly intrigued you?
 There always are. He tensed a little, hoping it didn t show.  You sitting
down next to me, for example.
He was able to relax.  How do you mean?
 It demonstrates a degree of politeness and courtesy not normally associated
with your kind. Being aware of how your stature intimidates all but the
Massood and the Chirinaldo, you voluntarily chose to reduce your inherent
physical advantage by taking a seat on the floor. Or did you think I would not
 I didn t really think about it. It s just that you re my responsibility and
it s my duty to make you feel as comfortable while you re here as possible.
 Really? What a shame. I would have preferred to have ascribed your action to
higher motives. I shall adjust my commentary accordingly.
He felt as if he d just been offered an easy opportunity to double his money
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and had instead chosen to throw it away on a particularly dumb bet.
 Anything else? he inquired, with less interest than before.  What have you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
