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pulsing with her orgasm as it warmed her through. She
breathed hard and tried to smile at Erik. He pulled out of
her, removing the condom and tying it up.
 It ll be better, he said.
She smiled now, amused that he cared.
Grabbing his shirt, she yanked him against her and
kissed him passionately, showing him that she hadn t
been disappointed like he clearly thought she was.
Leaning back, she looked into his eyes for a few
seconds, absorbing the look he was giving her and trying
to understand it.
She ran her hand down his chest.
 Why don t you come back to my place and prove it?
In Heat  Felicity Heaton
Chapter 12
Erik kissed her slowly, drowning in her and falling into
oblivion with each feather-light brush of her fingers
against his neck and face. He could sense she wanted
more, just like he did, but the back of a cab was no
place to let things get crazy.
He still couldn t believe that he d let her convince him to
take things that far at the club. The look a few of the
waiters had given them when they d left had said their
antics hadn t gone unnoticed. It wasn t just that though.
He d said he d tell her before it went that far, and he
hadn t. In the heat of the moment, she d been too good
to resist and he hadn t even thought about the
Now he didn t want to think about them. He wanted to
bury his head in the sand and keep on kissing her,
pretending that he was just a man and she was just a
woman, and he hadn t started something between them
that could be their undoing.
He d tell her when the time was right and hopefully she
wouldn t hate him for it, or completely freak out. Mating
was a complicated process, and thankfully sex was only
a small part of it, and what they were doing wouldn t
affect it.
Her hand brushed against his chest, exploring his
muscles as much as it could when his shirt was mostly
done up. He reciprocated her move by cupping her
breast, giving it a gentle squeeze and smiling inside
when she moaned into his mouth. He couldn t believe
how this night was turning out, and things were only
In Heat  Felicity Heaton
going to get better once they got back to her place. If
she wanted him to prove that sex between them could
be a hundred fold better than what it had been in the
club, then he was more than happy to oblige. He liked a
The taxi stopped.
The man at the front mumbled something about money.
Erik fumbled in his wallet, not wanting to break contact
with Kim but having to in order to get the money out. He
handed the cabby a twenty pound note and told him to
keep the change. A ten pound tip was what the cabby
deserved for having to put up with them kissing each
other to death in the back of his taxi. Although the idea
of the cabby paying them had crossed his mind. He
knew the man had been watching.
Opening the door, he stepped out onto the pavement
and held the door for Kim. She looked a little flustered
when she got out of the taxi and glanced at him, her
fingers smoothing down her dress.
She looked up at the apartment building and then back
at him.
Her flustered look turned nervous.
The night hadn t done anything to lower the
temperature. It was still muggy and sticky, too close.
She stared at him.
The taxi pulled away.
In Heat  Felicity Heaton
It seemed to snap her out of whatever thoughts were
weighing her down. A smile graced her lips, and it grew
wider when he took hold of her hand.
She didn t say anything, she just locked their hands
together and led him up the stairs to the front door of
the building. He waited in silence as she unlocked it and
then followed her up the stairs, his own nerves battling
against his confidence. He knew that some of the visions
she d had of them were the same as his own. Those
dreams were shared. If they were both asleep at the
same time, then they would experience the same
Now he had to make those fantasies into a reality for
her. It was easier said than done, and sense told him to
start out slow and build up to their most recent dreams.
It was time they got to know each other.
Kim smiled at Erik when they reached her door. She
fumbled with the keys and hoped he didn t notice how
badly her hands were shaking. In the club, she hadn t
been able to stop herself from asking him back to her
place. During their journey here, the nerves had
returned and she wasn t sure how to act around him.
The kisses in the taxi had set a different kind of tempo
inside her, a deeper kind of desire that asked her to take
it slow now. They d both made it obvious they wanted
each other, and now that the need between them had
been sated, she wanted things to switch tracks. She
wanted the dream where they d explored every inch of
each other. She wanted to find those ticklish spots and
sensitive areas that made him purr.
She reminded herself that real men didn t purr.
Moan then.
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