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wondering the same thing.
 Prisoner Processing is in the same compound as the Quay, where our personnel reside,
but in the event of an emergency, the entire unit can be shut down. It s staffed by robotics so the
prisoners can be tended even if human staff is unable to access the wing. She didn t pause as we
swept past the vast facility, which temporarily housed prisoners as they awaited trial or
assignment to more permanent housing.
 You will find conference rooms in this hall. Dorms for our larger species are in that
direction. The mess halls are to your right. We followed her through the broad passageways; the
hushed atmosphere was occasionally disrupted by laughter drifting from behind closed doors or
by pairs and groups of hunters who quickly sobered and nodded respectfully to Roane Vaine.
Eventually we ended up in a vast gymnasium that was furnished with padded floors and
walls. A holographic mirror shimmered against the north wall. It was an impressive space.
 All practice weapons are in the cupboards by the lockers. Edged and live weapons are
strictly monitored by a third party during a sparring session. We paused and watched as a pair
of enormous men grappled together on the floor, wrestling to a standstill. One man finally topped
An Uncommon Whore 2: When I Fall 81
the other and held until the loser grudgingly submitted. They rose, dusted off their clothing, and
grinned at each other, shifting from opponents to partners.
The winner had gleaming, coffee-color hair, golden green eyes, and a steady, watchful
gaze. His partner was crowned with tawny blonde waves and smiling blue eyes. Helios and I
were not small men, but these two towered over us.
There was a wild, feral air to them; sharp cunning graced their very bearing.
AmWere. As soon as the realization hit me, the two fighters went on alert, nostrils flaring
and eyes bright with interest. They must have scented my reflexive aggression.
 Staten and Timber are on loan to us from the AmWere of New Denver. Given the
presence of the Landaun, the coalition has deemed it prudent to provide you with extra
protection. Anytime you leave headquarters, you will be accompanied by these two.
The blond looked surprised at her statement and started to speak, but then cleared his
throat and glanced at the other man. Roane Vaine gave them a cool gaze.  My understanding is
that you two planned to be planetside while your ship undergoes repairs.
The dark-haired man nodded.  Our beta arrives tomorrow. We d hoped to spend time with
 You will. Thorn Greywolf is representing the AmWere during the negotiations.
His eyes gleamed speculatively when he turned to us.
 Timber, this is King Helios Dayspring of Neo Domus and his consort, General Griffin
Hawke. Sirs, this is Timber and Staten, from New Denver.
The two men stared at us briefly and then gave nods that could pass for bows. When
Helios extended a hand, they each took it.
He smiled at the two men.  I m afraid I don t know your customs for greeting.
Both men shook my hand and turned back to Helios.  We were in the same quandary.
Neither of us has met a king before. Staten gave us both a sunny smile, while his companion
soberly regarded us.
 We ll be pleased to lend a hand while you re here on Prima Vega. Our alpha will be
unhappy that he wasn t here to greet you as well, though our beta will be arriving within a few
hours. Timber was clearly the dominant of the pair, yet he allowed Staten to do the talking.
82 Belinda McBride
They functioned so smoothly together that it took only moments for me to recognize they were
partners in more than work.
 Give us a little time to shower and change, King Helios. We ll be right out. They turned
away to the locker room, and true to their word, the towering shape-shifters took positions within
our group, one to the front and one to the rear. Roane Vaine continued to walk between the two
of us.
 The AmWere fled Earth a couple of decades ago. They were seeking their alpha, who d
been stolen by poachers. As it turned out, he was hiding in plain sight as the lupine companion of
one of my best marshals. While Armand has returned to his people, they are still missing many
pack members. In exchange for working as trackers, we give them resources to hunt poachers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
