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to possess one would be punishable by death.
I m fully aware of the laws, Sorin, as I m the one that declared them.
But surely you don t think that law applies to me, do you? Smiling, Rica
dragged the flat of the knife across his hand. I m aware you have had
contact with silver, Master Sorin. Do you wish to again?
Swallowing down his anger, Sorin clenched his hands into tight fists.
He wanted to charge across the room and jam that dagger into Rica s
skinny neck. Nothing would be more appealing than watching the
Overlord die by his hands. But Sorin knew he could not and would not
be the hand that felled him.
I thought not. Turning, Rica waved the dagger in front of the
prisoner. Now, do you want to tell me when Gogu is planning to
The prisoner tried to pull back from the blade, but had nowhere to
go. He shook his head, his long hair falling into his face.
Of the Moon 77
Rica struck out with the knife, slicing the prisoner across the cheek.
With an audible hiss and tendrils of smoke, his skin split open like a rare
piece of meat, and blood erupted from the wound. Sorin wanted to turn
away, but knew he couldn t. As a Draconian lord, it was his duty to
watch the torment. Even though he knew the agony of the silver was now
just creeping its way across the prisoner s skin like fire across a burning
field, he was forced to witness his pain.
Now, do I have your attention? Rica chuckled.
Ah, ticalos! Bastard.
Rica swiped at him again, this time nicking him across the chin. The
prisoner cried out in pain as blood dribbled down his throat to drip onto
the stone floor.
For every question you do not answer I will cut you. Do you
The prisoner closed his eyes, but did not nod.
Rica cut him again, this time across his biceps.
Whimpering, he finally nodded. Yes. Yes, I understand.
Good. Rica took a step back. When is Gogu planning to invade?
In a sennight.
Sorin sighed. The war was indeed coming. He had hoped it was
merely the paranoia of the Overlord. Reluctantly, he would have to
commit his army to the campaign. Once again, he would have to give the
order to send thousands to their deaths.
Turning slightly, Rica glanced at Sorin. Now do you see?
Sorin nodded, too weary to speak.
How many men does he command? Rica asked the prisoner.
A thousand.
With a low growl, Rica sliced the dagger across the man s chest. He
howled in pain as his flesh peeled open.
How many? Rica screamed in his face.
Four thousand, he whimpered between shallow gasps of breath.
78 Vivi Anna
And from what direction does he come?
The northwest, through the pass of Harrowing, he gasped before he
slumped against his restraints, overcome with the agony of the burning
Smiling, Rica wiped the man s blood on his trousers. We prepare for
Tipping his head, Sorin said, I will send a messenger right away to
Lord Vali to amass our army.
You do not ride out yourself?
Sorin matched Rica s gaze. It was obvious the Overlord knew why he
didn t wish to leave. No, because of my familiarity with Gogu s military
style, it would be prudent that I stay and aid you in your strategy against
him. Would this not be the wisest course of action, my lord?
After glancing at the others in the room, his general and Lord Mihai,
Rica nodded. Just what I was thinking, Master Sorin. Turning back, he
stared at Sorin. One day, I should think you would make a fine
Sorin inclined his head, acknowledging the compliment, however
forced and contrived it seemed to be. There was no way that Rica wished
him to stay. His presence threatened Rica. Threatened how he ruled, and
whom he ruled. Now more than ever, Sorin needed to watch his step. His
presence in Sinaia was tenuous at best. Before long, Rica would reveal
his intentions, and Sorin would find himself drawn and quartered, his
head on a stake sticking into the ground just outside the keep,
welcoming each visitor with a macabre grin.
And he was certain, that if Alexandreina did not watch herself, she
would be his companion on a similar wooden stake.
Of the Moon 79
Chapter Ten
After Sorin had left the clearing by the river, Alexandreina made her
way back to the keep without pause. However much she had wanted to
languish by the shore in the relaxing afternoon sun, she knew that to do
so would mean Rica s wrath. Sorin had threatened the guards not to
bother with her, but his threats would mean little to the Overlord.
Rica was not a man to trifle with. She had learned that a long time
ago. He had killed her father, her mother and her brother. It would not
take much more of her rebellious nature to end her life.
Thankfully, she had made it through the keep to her chamber
without running into any problems. It was obvious that most of her
tormentors were occupied in the Overlord s war room planning Zamolixis
knows what. Something of uttermost importance must have happened
for Sorin to be summoned so abruptly. She prayed that didn t mean they
would be going to war soon. Watching her people march into someone
else s battle angered her to no end. However, there was absolutely
nothing she could do about it.
What do you think of?
Alexandreina glanced over at Nicoletta who lounged beside her on the
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