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 That s not helping, I say.
 Oh, hmm. You don t know something she s really interested in, do you? Something you could get
involved in to show a common interest?
 Music. I think she s in the music program, I say, though I have no idea how I am supposed to use
music to get close to Daphne when I know even less about it than love.
Dax cringes.  It had to be that, he mumbles under his breath.  I ll see what strings I can pull from my
end, and if all else fails, I ll call on Simon though I d like to avoid that as much as possible. He
moves around a stack of papers and then stands up, with his pipe.  Now, perhaps you should scamper
off to class now, young Master Lord. No more fighting, you scallywag, he says with a British accent.
 I think Mr. Drol should be from Yorkshire, don t you think?
I shrug.  One more thing . . . The guy I got in a fight with . . . He gave me this look that made it seem
almost as if he might know who I am.
Dax drops his pipe and it plinks across the table.  He what? How? Who was this kid? What did he
look like?
 Short. Part Asian. Japanese, I think. Wears a stupid hat.
 Hmm, doesn t ring a bell, Dax says, but a dark look crosses his face. He walks me to the door.
 I ve changed my mind. You shouldn t go back to class. I m suspending you for the rest of the week.
Go home and lay low.
 Dax, you can t do that. I m just getting started!
 I mean it. Let s let this kid simmer down for a few days while we think about what to do next. It ll
probably take me a couple of days to arrange this music program business anyway.
Waiting. More waiting. I think I might go insane.
Dax ushers me out the door just as that Tobin guy and his mother exit the other office with the man I
assume is the vice principal.  I trust we won t have any more issues with you after your suspension,
the vice principal is in the middle of saying to Tobin.  I would hate to tell Mr. Morgan that he needs
to recast your part in the musical.
The mother barely even gives me a glance as they pass us, but Tobin seems to look right through me
as if he s trying to get a better look at Dax, who stands behind my shoulder in the doorway. Tobin
comes to a complete stop, his face white as ash. Dax steps back into his office and closes the door.
 Are you okay, Toby? his mother asks.
Tobin turns away.  Yeah. Whatever. I m fine. But I can tell from his tone that he s clearly not.
I watch them pass by the glass windows of the office, fighting the urge to follow them. Instead, I turn
toward the chairs where I left Garrick, to find that he s already gone. I can only hope he isn t getting
himself into more trouble.
That s the last thing any of us need right now.
chapter twenty-four
The landline phone in my room rings. I can hear it from my private bathroom, where I stand in front of
the large, oval, Swarovski crystal encrusted mirror that hangs over the marble-countered vanity. I m
not used to having my own bathroom there was only one in the bungalow that I shared with my mom
and the varied guests or strays we occasionally had staying with us let alone one so opulent. If I
were in a better mood, I might be tempted to pretend I am some sort of diva in my dressing room
before a big show. Instead, I am inspecting the faint red mark that stretches across my right
cheekbone. It almost looks like I d merely gone too heavy with my blush, but the pain that pulses
under my skin reminds me of a burn. It is almost exactly the same as the marks left on my arm when
Haden had tried to grab me in the grove.
The strangest thing is that I d thought that boy, who I assume is Haden s cousin, based on Bridgette s
description, hadn t actually touched me. Haden had stopped him before his fist collided with my face
 and yet, I felt a burning heat slap against my face. I guess it is possible he d grazed me with his fist
after all, but it had happened so quickly, I wasn t sure.
The phone starts ringing for a fifth time since I got home. I m in no hurry to answer it. I am home
alone, and it is most likely someone for Joe probably a reporter trying to get a statement about his
new musical endeavor with the high school and I am in no mood to talk about it. I turn on the faucet
and splash cold water on my face. When I look up in the mirror again, the mark is gone, but my skin
still stings. I prod at my cheek with the tip of my finger, suddenly wondering if I d imagined the mark
there in the first place.
I ve never had to question if I am just imagining things back in Ellis.
Something weird is definitely going on in this place.
Maybe Olympus Hills is dumping hallucinogens into their water supply. Maybe that was the big
theory Tobin had been wanting to share with me. I laugh at the mirror. Yeah, right.
The phone finally stops ringing, and I assume the call has gone to voice mail. It s probably better to
let Marta get Joe s messages anyway, I think as I wander back into my bedroom and sit on the edge of
my plush bed.
The phone starts ringing again. The sound echoes in my large, lonely room. That has to be a reporter.
Nobody I know would be that persistent. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
