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ago, I was standing in the doorway of an inn at the edge ofNorth Square, and there I witnessed a scene
of such mischief and devilish skill that I will never forget it. He paused to look at her. Would you like to
know what I saw?
Dismayed, she stared back at him. She swal-lowed, tried to speak, and swallowed again.
Without waiting for her to gather her thoughts enough to answer, Ethan went on, I saw a ragged street
waif with the face of an angel steal a watch, then completely bewitch the British lieutenant who intended
to arrest her for that crime, just before she deprived him of his purse. It was a comedy worthy of the
theater. She disappeared into the crowd, but fate put her in my path a second time, and I decided it was
wise to find out more about her. I discovered that she was also a runaway indentured servant. Tonight, I
discovered she has a very strong reluc-tance to return to that indenture, and I cannot help but think it was
rather unpleasant for her.
She went pale. You ve made your point, she whispered. So, I ask again, what more do you want of
It is quite simple. I can use you, Katie. I can use your clever mind. I can use your brash confidence and
your audacity. I can use your glib ability to lie. What s more, by following me, you have left me few
options. You were willing to spy for Governor Gage. I propose that you spy for me instead. I as-sure
you, I will pay you more than he would.
For a long moment, she simply stared at him in disbelief. Then, suddenly, she jumped to her feet.
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Thinking she meant to run again, he stood up to prevent her. But once she was on her feet, she did not
move. You can t be serious! she cried, her voice cracking with obvious agitation.
I never joke about revolutions.
She laughed, but there was a hysterical edge to it. I don t believe this, she cried. It s too much! It is
just too much. Still laughing, she sank back down into her chair, bent her head, and covered her face
with her hands.
Ethan was not surprised by her reaction. He knew she d had plenty to frighten her this evening, and it
was understandable that the strain had be-come too great for her. He also sat down and re-mained silent,
watching her struggle to regain control of herself.
Finally, she lifted her head. She took a deep breath. So, my being your mistress must be some sort of
act to cover my real purpose as a spy?
Ethan Harding is known throughoutBostonto be a Tory, a loyal subject of the crown. You are one of
the few people who know the truth about me. I warned you to put aside your curiosity and stay out of
my affairs, but you did not. Now you have forced my hand. I know aboutWilloughby, and I choose now
to hold that piece of information over your head in order to maintain your silence. But I also can
appreciate your talents and your need for money.
You mean, you intend to blackmail me into committing sedition along with you.
Blackmailis a very ugly word, he admonished. Besides, I am willing to provide other incentives.
She stared at him in disbelief. What incentives?
Playing the charade of being my mistress will give you the house, clothes, and jewels you men-tioned
before, without having any of the obliga-tions, shall we say, of the job. In addition, if you prove
satisfactory, I will buy your indenture from Mr. Willoughby.
I would be trading one master for another. What is the good of that to me?
When I no longer need you, I will set you free.
How do I know you will do what you promise? All I have is your word.
That will have to be enough, I m afraid. Are we agreed ?
What sort of spying would I have to do?
I have a few ideas of how I might make use of your talents, but I haven t really thought it all out yet.
Having you follow me home was not some-thing I planned on. It was a careless mistake.
And you don t make many of them, I ll wager. Katie thought it over for a moment, then shrugged.
Hanging as a rebel would be better than returning toVirginia. She rubbed her temples with her
fin-gertips, as if their verbal dueling had given her a headache. I agree to your arrangement.
Good. He rose and walked toward the door of the study, beckoning her to follow. It s nearly dawn.
I ll escort you back.
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Neither of them spoke as they retraced their steps to the Mermaid. She had a great deal to think about,
and so did he.
Was he doing the right thing? Or was he mak-ing a terrible mistake? It was rare for Ethan to have
doubts about his decisions, but he d never been spied upon by an unscrupulous girl who could probably
lie to God and get away with it.
Whether he had made the right decision or not really mattered very little at this point, anyway. If he had
not taken steps to ensure her silence, if he had not given her the incentive to work for him in-stead of the
Tories, he would have run the greater risk of losing all that he and his comrades had been working for.
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