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could have snapped her up, he joked and Con scowled.
 What are you two up to? Em asked as she plopped down into Con s lap and
kissed the cleft in his chin.
 Just talking. You look beautiful today, Em. Just let me know if this joker ever does
you wrong and we can run away together, Jayce said with a grin and Em laughed as
Con made a lunge at his friend.
 She looks beautiful every day, Jayce. My wife is the most beautiful woman in this
world and ours.
 I totally agree with you! Lee said as she and Alex sat down.  So, Em. You never
did say how you figured out how to defeat the spell the demon was using.
 Well, it was math. The spell was a negative spell, meet a negative with a negative
and you get a positive.
 There you are, dear! Congratulations.
Em and Con stood up to greet Adelade Belton, who d come in from London to
attend their wedding.
 Adelade, it s lovely to see you, we re so glad you could make it, Em said as she
kissed the other woman s cheeks.
 I wouldn t have missed it for the world. I knew the moment that you two bumped
into each other that you were meant to be together.
Con grinned down at Em and kissed her forehead.  Yep, her own personal faerie
stalker as she calls me, in what she assures me is affection.
Em gave him a quick grin and allowed him to pull her onto the dance floor and up
against his body for a slow number.
 I love you, Conchobar MacNessa, she said with a soft smile.
 I love you too, Emily Charvez, witch of my dreams.
A Touch of Fae
Irish Gaelic Words
Gaelic is an old and very beautiful language and as I wrote this book and I learned
more of it, the more romantic I realized it was. The pronunciation is a bit difficult for
me, but as Con used so many of these phrases with Em, I thought it might be helpful to
include a short dictionary of the Gaelic terms and a close approximation of their
pronunciation where I was able to find it:
A Ghra (ah hraw)  my love
A Thaisce (ah hash-keh)  my treasure
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat go deo  my heart is in you forever
Mo Fiach  my raven
A Ghrá mo Chroí (ah hraw muh hree) - my Heart s Beloved
Is tusa mo shaol - You are my world (as in life)
Namhaid  enemy
fear cheile  husband
bean cheile  wife
About the Author
Lauren welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora s Cave
Publishing at 1056 Home Avenue, Akron, OH 44310-3502.
Also by Lauren Dane
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