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Black Magic never hurt anyone who did not believe he could be hurt by it. But the world is full of
such believers. Every day, somewhere in the remoter sections of Sicily or the ghettoes of Naples, the
Evil Eye inflicts untold damage on its victims.
A Zombie, to the super-sophisticate of the Western world, is nothing more than a super-potent
drink...and yet in the jungles of Haiti it is a very real, and a very fearful entity. It is alleged to be,
literally, a corpse which has been aroused from its slumbers, animated with a sort of pseudo-life
devoid of all intelligence and put to work in the fields and the mines.
Many persons profess to have seen Zombies at work, first hand - and this does not mean via the horror
movie on the Late, Late Show. The very recurrence of these tales lends them credibility. Zombies may
be explained away as feeble-minded or retarded natives who mindlessly go through their appointed
chores like inanimate robots...or they may indeed be earthbound discarnate spirits, the tormented
"Undead" who in some way - whether by sorcery or by accident - are able to materialize their astral
Sex (naturally) enters into the sphere of the necromancer. He conjures up his corpse stooge by
"Proserpina, Ereshkigal, Adonis, Hermes, Thoth and Anubis, the jackal-headed Egyptian god of the
dead, by the gods of the underworld and all the legions of the dead untimely snatched from life," and
commands it to rise up and stalk through the streets, to go to a woman's house, obsess her and bring
her hither. "Let her sleep with none other, let her have no pleasurable intercourse with any other man
save with me alone. Let her neither drink nor eat nor love, nor be strong nor well...let her have no
sleep except with me."
If anyone believes things don't go on like this today, he's either naive or ignorant. Black Magic is
growing by leaps and bounds all over the world. Using sex as a come-on - erotic sex of a nature that
appeals in a jaded culture where normal sex has become routine - it gathers all sorts of restless people
to its fold. Anton Szandor LaVey, a remarkable and perversely brilliant young man, has established a
Satanic Church with a complete set of far-out rituals in San Francisco, and branches are springing up
all over the world, drawing people who are intrigued by the idea of the "Living Altar" - a naked
woman spread-eagled aloft on the Satanic Holy of Holies.
LaVey, who has attracted world-wide attention with his Satanic Weddings and Satanic Funerals, has
written his own Bible, a remarkable document based on the philosophy that man was made, and exists
solely, for pleasure.
"Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence, vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams,
undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit," he says.
"Satan represents man as just another animal, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual
development, has become the most vicious animal of all.
"Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional
"Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years."
26 - Poltergeist
Another of those strange ghostly entities who merit, by their distinctiveness, a classification by
themselves is the Poltergeist, that baffling enfant terrible of the spirit world.
The Poltergeist might be called the press agent of all discarnates. You can ignore an apparition, you
can say a ghost is the product of an over-active imagination or an over-worked stomach - but you
simply cannot walk away from a Poltergeist! He leaves a visible trail of broken crockery, displaced
furniture, bobbling chandeliers, blinking lights, filled tubs, emptied tubs, even incendiary fires.
His is the kind of activity that gets in the newspapers, involving, as it does, summons for fire trucks,
police cars, ambulances and exorcising priests.
In the face of physical facts, even clergymen cannot deny the existence of the Poltergeist.
"I refuse to admit that things like these should come from God," said one indignant priest, "for the
angels and saints of God would not play tricks like these. It must be either a natural phenomenon, still
unknown, or nothing else but things of the devil."
The word "poltergeist" is German which, roughly translated, means "noisy ghost." The activities of
these spirits usually fall into a definite pattern. They are destructive but seldom actually dangerous.
Only rarely do they harm people although they have started serious fires. Their activity is random,
almost pointless. Their behavior is curiously uncoordinated.
They seem to specialize in crockery hurling. One curious characteristic is that the objects are seen
flying through the air - but they are never observed at the point of take-off. This might lead the
skeptical to believe that the manifestations are man-made. But the very nature of the movement defies
this theory. The objects, while soaring, tend to move at a leisurely pace that would bring them to the
ground at once if they were subject to the forces of gravity. They wobble, travel in curves, and
sometimes change their course in mid-air.
Their activities sometimes take on a mischievous trend. Actress Beatrice Lillie tells of having a
personal poltergeist who seemed to enjoy sewing up the hems of her costumes, while they were
locked in her empty dressing room, so that she could not get into them.
One of the most famous Poltergeists of all time was the "Drummer of Tedworth." The drum began
beating in 1661 and is still reverberating throughout the solemn labyrinth of psychical research.
The story begins with the arrest of a vagrant drummer. His drums were confiscated and taken to the
magistrate's house, but they continued to beat relentlessly day and night of their own volition even
though the drummer himself had long since been banished.
This was a Poltergeist with a purpose - revenge for having had his drums impounded.
Poltergeists are the most populous of all ghosts who appear on the contemporary scene. Nearly every
issue of Fate magazine contains some account of a new and fully documented poltergeist activity.
The discarnate son of the late Bishop James A. Pike was widely covered by all the newspapers when
he initiated poltergeist activity to call his father's attention to his presence and his urgent need to
communicate. Mysterious rappings would be heard in the wall, clocks would be stopped, books would
be moved about and pins would be arranged in a meaningful pattern on the floor to compel attention
to his plight - a suicide, longing to explain his motives, seek forgiveness and offer the benefit of his
new-found wisdom in helpful ways. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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