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may be sent after me. She waited for a pair of guards to pass before hurrying across the
courtyard to the stable. There was only one lantern swinging just inside of the door, and the
horses were all dozing or asleep.
Hurry, My Lady. The stable boys will be driven from the kitchens soon.
She hurried down to her own horse and gently coaxed the mare awake. The cat kept
watch at the door while she saddled the palfrey, securing her bag in front of the pommel. It took
three tries for her to cinch the girth properly due to her shaking hands. I have been shaking since
this afternoon. The mare nuzzled her as she buckled the final clasp on the bridle, and she stroked
the velvet nose. There will be a need for haste tonight, my pretty one.
Be safe, Child.
She felt tears fill her throat, but she swallowed them. Kneeling, she gathered the cat to
her chest and hugged it gently. I am sorry, Your Majesty. I wish that I could stay -- for more
reasons than the Mourning Rites. She kissed the silken head. I wish I could tell him farewell, at
the very least.
My Lady, when he hears of Vlad s plans, he will know and understand. It licked her
cheek once, the sandpaper tongue rough and gentle at the same time. Now hurry.
She swung the stall door open, pressing her hand over her mouth as a cloaked figure
stepped out, leading her horse. You would do better with a hunter, for speed, but the absence of
another from the stables would be noted. Philip drew her own hood around her face. His
expression was unreadable, but there was another horse held beside hers, and he was dressed for
travel. I hope this beast of yours is up to the strain we re about to place on her.
Questions flooded her mind, but she held them back. There is no time. She can manage
well enough, she whispered.
Then let us be away. He lifted her into the saddle, and she urged the mare out into the
courtyard. Farewell, Your Majesty. I thank you, for all that you have given me.
Safe journey, Bryane. Know that I will always watch over you.
She turned the mare towards the southern gate and pressed her into a gallop, Philip s
hunter close behind. The lights of the castle fell behind them quickly, and they rode in silence,
save for the blowing of their mounts. The night was cold, and her hands became chilled, but she
said nothing. So long as I am within the Kingdom s borders, Vlad can find me. A small pain is a
worthwhile price to pay for escape. She glanced at the shadow beside her that was Philip,
wondering what she would say to him when they finally halted, and she strangled a cry of
exasperation. Do I have no pleasant thoughts to consider in this flight?
Her palfrey began to flag not long after they passed the final hamlet marking the heart of
the Kingdom, and allowed the mare to slow. Her voice broke from the cool air, and she had to
clear her throat to be heard. We need to pause and rest, water the horses.
He shook himself, as if he had been deep in thought, and nodded. There is a fork of the
river up ahead, just off the road. The trees will hide us from any passersby.
She reined her horse back, allowing him to take the lead, and he turned his hunter
towards the forest. He slowed his own mount, allowing the beast to navigate a shallow ditch,
Davis A Matter of Tradition 41
and she let the mare drop into a walk. They passed through a line of trees, and the sound of
rushing water greeted them as the moon made its first appearance in the sky, illuminating the
small clearing. Both horses whickered happily, and she slid down her saddle, leading the mare
forward to drink. I fear we may need to travel slower from here out, she said with a sigh. No
horse can maintain a gallop overnight, and this poor creature was not built for extended journeys
at this pace.
Oh, there are horses that can, but they are the exclusive use of couriers. He untied a
wine flask from his saddle and passed it to her. His fingers brushed hers, and he frowned. You
are frozen.
Autumn is a poor choice of season for headlong flights. She chafed her hands together,
wishing there was time to warm them over a fire.
He wrapped his cloak around her, drawing her down to sit with his arms around her.
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