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1974, catalogues. Available items included:
Telephone handset insert. Miniature activator with time delay ... use inside telephone handset. Automatic
charge fired at-SEC following lifting of instrument handpiece.
Cigarette pack-antidisturbance explosive. Electronics and explosive module packed inside cigarette pack.
When the pack is lifted or moved in any manner, the explosive is set off.
Modified flashlight ... antidisturbance unit. Standard Everready 2D cell flashlight has antidisturbance
electronics concealed inside where batteries have been removed. Remainder of the batteries have been
removed. Remainder of the battery space is packed with explosive.
Remote-controlled, light-activated sensor. Unit delivers a predetermined charge from a remote location
according to its pre-set code. Use with explosive for firing upon the occurrence of certain conditions relating to
light intensity.
Booby--trapped, M-16 explosive clip. Use: A mechanically activated electronic charge circuit is built into a
common military item. Upon removal of the single round in the magazine, either by firing or by hand removal,
the explosive concealed in the magazine is detonated.
Fragmentation ball-anti-disturbance unit. Unit is similar in its operation as the anti-disturbance flashlight, BRF
model FD-2. The exception is in the type of explosive charge....
Explosive black box modules. . - ' . Flat black finish on metal rectangular modules. One screw at each end
secures top on unit. Top is removed to pack inside with explosive.
** Colonel Conein was used in a character assassination. E. Howard Hunt, after forging a State Department
telegram implicating President Kennedy in the murder of Diem, showed the forged document to Conein, who
then appeared on an NBC documentary and divulged its contents. (Hunt also briefed the producer of the
program, Fred Freed, on the secret telegram, which shaped the program in such a way as to imply Kennedy's
complicity in the murder.)
However, in an interview with the Washington Post on June 13, 1976, Conein acknowledged that he had been
brought to the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs to superintend a special unit which would have the
capacity to assassinate selected targets in the narcotics business.
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Bureau of Assassinations
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The Screw Worm
Agency of Fear
Opiates and Political Power in America
By Edward Jay Epstein
Chapter 17 - The Screw Worm
On June 10, 197 1, at 3: 10 in the afternoon, President Nixon met a miracle worker"-at least that was the way
that Egil Krogh, Jr., introduced Dr. Jerome Jaffe, a well-respected pharmacologist and psychiatrist with
immaculate liberal credentials in his home city of Chicago. The president, already briefed by Krogh on how
Jaffe had single-handedly reduced the crime rate in Chicago through the magic of distributing methadone and
other treatment services to drug addicts, asked Jaffe why, if his program had been so successful, Mayor Daley
was not aware of it. Dr. Jaffe, always exuding confidence, replied, according to the memo in the President's
File, "Daley did not have to know about the program because I was taking care of the mayor's city" (apparently
meaning that his drug program had succeeded in reducing the number of drug addicts in Chicago). "What was
your bag in terms of treatment?" the president asked. Jaffe replied by describing a complex series of programs
including "therapeutic communities ... methadone detoxification ... methadone maintenance [and] occasionally
psychiatry," which produced, according to Jaffe, a "40 percent decrease in crime." The president, obviously
impressed, though uninterested in the details of the program, suggested the possibility of the death penalty for
those in the narcotics business. Jaffe, distressed, attempted to change the subject by suggesting that as law
enforcement became more efficient, the price of heroin would increase, and therefore there would be a need
for an enormous "treatment capacity"-the type he could provide-as an alternative to crime for heroin addicts.
Attempting to impress the president with the possibility of a technological solution, the miracle doctor reported
that work was progressing on a saliva test to detect heroin which would replace the urine test presently being
used in Vietnam. (He explained, according to the memo, "It is easier for men than women to get urine into a
bottle.") The president seemed unimpressed. Jaffe next suggested that with more money they might be able to
develop a "narcotic antagonistic" which could "block" addicts from receiving any sensation from heroin. He
further suggested, at another point, that Naloxone, an already existing antagonist, could be used to demonstrate
to servicemen the dangers of heroin addiction; since it would bring about a precipitous set of withdrawal
symptoms. The president "opted for using this method [in Vietnam] even though there was the remote
possibility of a few fatalities."
As the meeting drew to a close at four o'clock, Dr. Jaffe suddenly came up with a technological solution that
caught the president's fancy-"an insect which could consume poppy crops." According to the memo in Krogh's
file, "The President became excited about the idea and called Secretary of Agriculture [Hardin] in order to get
information on the insect which he had heard to be bred in such a way as to insure its own destruction.... The
President remarked that the insect died after intercourse. A member of the group suggested that this insect be
called the 'screw worm.' " The president then spent fifteen minutes discussing the screw worm with Dr. Jaffe,
according to Krogh. The president wanted Edward Land, the founder and developer of the Polaroid camera,
and William Lear, the founder of Lear Jets, "brought in to help develop this concept." He ordered Secretary
Hardin, still on the phone, to move ahead at full speed in developing the screw worm, promising to obtain a
special appropriation for it from Congress. Private millionaires and the Agriculture Department would thus all
be part of a secret project to develop an insect that ate the poppies that produced the opium that supplied the
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The Screw Worm
heroin that obsessed President Nixon.
On June 17, less than a week after President Nixon heard of (or invented) the screw worm, the president asked
Congress for a special supplementary appropriation for the war on heroin which, among other things, would
provide "two million dollars to the Department of Agriculture for research and development of herbicides
which can be used to destroy growths of narcotics-producing plants without adverse ecological effects." Since
a herbicide is defined simply as a "substance used to destroy plants," Nixon's speech writers were at least
temporarily able to disguise the screw worm as an innocent-sounding ecological weed-killer.
With the screw worm being biologically designed at the Department of Agriculture's Stoneville (Mississippi)
laboratories, where scientists experimented in producing various mutations of weevils by manipulating their
life cycles, President Nixon was finally able to launch a worldwide campaign, under the supervision of Krogh,
to eradicate all the poppies in the world. Although Turkey had already agreed to eliminate the poppy
cultivation in its Anatolian provinces, most of the world's poppies grew in countries which were not vulnerable
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