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began washing them.
"You're wasting time," she said a little desperately.
He cocked his head to one side, and his lids lowered lazily, shading the hot glitter in his eyes. "Bite me,"
he drawled.
Suddenly the room was overheated and way too small. Sam swallowed, wondering what he would do if
she did just that.
This obviously wasn't a good time to pick a fight with him. He was edgy, and he was naked. They were
both naked. She glanced down, her gaze drawn against her will.
Gray snagged her gaze, holding it effortlessly as he prowled toward her, the T-shirt in hand. When he
reached her, he began stroking the cool, wet cloth across her skin, her breasts, cleaning the last remnants
of his blood from her, she realised.
"I have more important things to do than go after Harper."
The movement of the cloth was unintentionally arousing. Or was it? A moan slipped from her lips as the
cloth lingered on her breasts, and they tightened, her nipples peaking almost painfully hard. She was tired
and bruised; all she should want to do was sleep.
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Her breath released slowly, softly."Such as?"
"Make sure you don't tackle any more terrorists. If you turn up at the altar with a bullet hole in you, my
mother will have my hide."
The cloth glided down her belly, stroking, caressing,the gentle pressure sending tingling hot streamers of
sensation through her.
"If I had wanted Harper," Gray continued slowly and deliberately, as if it was important that she
understand every word, "I could have had him last night. I could have had him within half an hour,
probably sooner. I'm good at that kind of thing. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
The cloth slipped between her legs. Her knees threatened to buckle. "You're very good at your job."
"Going after Harper's sorry butt would have meant leaving you, and that wasn't an option. I didn't save
your life so you could rush off and try to get killed again the second I turned my back."
Gray tossed the T-shirt back in the basin and ran his hands over her arms. "I don't intend to make the
same mistake I made seven years ago. I was young and arrogant, and I let you get away. Now I'm older,
and I'm probably still arrogant, but I'm sure as hell not letting you out of my sight."
He bent and kissed her gently on the mouth. "I'm not much good at this stuff," he said, low and taut. "I
love you, baby. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out, and I'm sorry you've been hurt, but I'll take
care that nothing hurts you ever again." He eased her closer, dropped his forehead on hers. "I'm not
perfect. I can't ever promise to be. I let Harper go for one reason, and one reason only: I wasn't capable
of leaving you. In case you haven't noticed, ever since we got here, I haven't been able to leave you
Sam stared, dazed, into Gray's fierce glare. "You've been outside."
"Yeah.Trying to keep my hands off you.It didn't work."
She shook her head, even more confused.That was why he had been so taciturn? "Why would you
want to keep your hands off me?"
Gray's eyes narrowed. "Damned if I know. I thought you might be in shock, exhausted, bruised,
traumatised & little things like that."
Sam fixed on the most startling thing he had yet said, the thing she couldn't quite believe yet. "You &
love me?"
His hands came up, cradling her face, rough and warm and gentle. "I'm crazy about you. I always have
been." He dipped and kissed her with a sweetness that made her ache.
Sam wound her arms around his neck, stunned and still not quite believing she'd heard right. She wanted
him to love her so much it was hard to take in that he actually did. A tremor rocked him as she fitted
herself against him.
He lifted his head. "If you don't want to be made love to up against the wall, you'll have to let me pull
some mattresses on the floor. I can't fit on one of those sardine-sleepers."
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He dragged all four squabs off the narrow bunks, lined them up on the floor,then pulled her down with
Sam snuggled against him, mindful of his sore arm. "Are you sure you should "
"Have I got a pulse?" he growled. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
