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Honor. Honor Bridges.
Jackson coughed up the sip of coffee he d taken then cursed as he spilled some on his shirt.
Veronica s eyes widened, and she stepped in the office. He held up his hand.
I ve got it. Hell, tell her to give me a minute while I change my shirt.
His receptionist looked as though she desperately wanted to question his reaction and the fact that
he wanted to talk to this woman, but she thankfully held her tongue.
If you say so.
He turned his back to her to grab a new shirt from his closet, and she left, closing the door behind
her. As he buttoned up his new shirt, he tried to stop his fingers from shaking.
What the hell was Honor doing here?
He hadn t seen her in& almost eight years.
He rolled his shoulders and made his way to the door. He d just get this over with. There wasn t
anything between them there hadn t been for too long. He d just nod and say hello to an old&
friend& then get back to his day.
She stood in his waiting room facing the wall so he only saw her profile, and damn if he didn t
lose his breath.
She had to be at least in her early thirties now, but she looked at least a decade younger. Her long
black hair fell to the middle of her back, straight, yet thick and exotic. He could remember how soft it
had felt against his chest late at night.
She turned to him then, and he set his face so he wouldn t gasp. Her striking blue eyes had always
called to him, and now was no different. Since she was average height, her curves suited her well,
her hips just wide enough for his hands&
No, not the time.
It would never be the time.
Her face was elegant, her cheekbones sharp, but not too sharp, her chin pointed like an elfish
Hell, she looked even more beautiful now than she had eight years ago.
Honor would have to go.
Honor, he said, his voice surprisingly steady despite the emotions warring through him.
Jackson, she said, her smile making her whole face brighten.
Veronica stood between them, her gaze traveling between the two.
I had called before, but you didn t say anything, Honor said, but Jackson didn t say anything
He remembered her first call months ago, and the few calls afterward, but he d never said
anything back, thinking it couldn t have been her shouldn t have been her.
She couldn t be here& not the one who d left him.
No, he didn t want to think about the past.
Um& She looked down at her hands as she wrung them together then squared her shoulders. I
just wanted to say that I m staying at the inn.
He swallowed hard and nodded. You re visiting your aunt then?
Honor shook her head. No, I m staying here in Holiday, Jackson. That s what I wanted to say
when I called and why I m here. I know it s been forever, and you don t care, but I thought I d say it
You re moving here? he asked, his voice hoarse.
No, hell no. She couldn t move here. Holiday was his home, and there was no way he could share
it with her.
Yes, I m staying. I left before because& She shook her head. No, that doesn t matter, not
anymore. I m here to stay though. My aunt needs me, and I have responsibilities that I ve been
ignoring too long.
He didn t know what kind of responsibilities she could possibly have since she d been gone for
eight years, but he ignored it. Why can t your brother, Tucker, help?
Surprise then hurt crossed her face. She must have been surprised that he d remembered her
brother s name, and he cursed himself for letting that slip. For a woman he was supposed to have
forgotten, he remembered too much about her.
The hurt was obvious, but he couldn t show that he cared.
Tucker s busy, she said shortly. I m sorry to take your time, but I wanted to tell you I was in
Why should I care? he asked, trying to put distance between them.
He ignored the gasp from Veronica and cursed himself for being so rude. He d forgotten they had
an audience. The news of this confrontation would be all over Holiday s grapevine as soon as Honor
walked out the door.
Honor rolled her eyes and smiled. Hell, he d never understood this woman. Whatever, Jackson.
Play the stoic man if you want, but I wanted to tell you anyway. Bye.
She turned on her heel and walked out of his practice, her hips swaying, leaving him breathless.
He forced his gaze to Veronica and frowned. I take it there s no way I can make you keep this
between us?
Huh? she asked as she looked up from texting on her phone.
He shook his head. Never mind. Let me know when my next appointment shows up.
Jackson left Veronica to her gossip and closed himself in his office.
Honor was back.
What the hell was he going to do now?
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