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until Jameson s fear eased under Luuk s calm, sure nature.  We haven t got much time to
come up with a plan before that jet lands. Let s figure out what we can do to keep all of us
Jameson hoped that was possible. He didn t know what Adam s intentions were,
honestly. It d be just like the man to come all this way only to make sure Jameson was really
okay. But surely Adam didn t understand the risks, not truly. Jameson hoped that innocence
didn t cost any of them their lives.
REVOLUTION Bailey Bradford
Chapter Twenty-One
The loyalty, and love, Jamie s friend Adam had for Jamie was humbling. Luuk had met
Adam years ago and thought the man nice enough, but he hadn t known him. Over three
years after telling Adam goodbye and wishing him well, Luuk felt he knew Adam almost as
well as Jamie did. Jamie loved his friend, and had talked about him often at first.
Once the hardship of surviving had drained Jamie of most of his energy, he d stopped
talking about Adam but he d dreamed of him, and many times memories of things Jamie
and Adam had done would slip through the mental link Luuk shared with his mate.
Jamie was afraid for Adam and Luuk got that, but one thing he d picked up on about
Adam through Jamie was this Adam was a tough man. He wasn t going to break any more
than he d given up searching for Jamie.
Then Luuk was pole-axed with the sudden question would Adam hate him for the
danger he d brought to Jamie? Maybe he didn t know Adam after all, because he couldn t
answer that with any certainty. He thought Adam was a good man, as well as a potential
badass, but he also loved Jamie, and look at the situation Luuk had put Jamie in.
And, what made him worry even more, though he wouldn t let Jamie know was he
somehow responsible for Adam and Todd being shifters? There was almost no possible way
that wasn t tied to him in some manner. Luuk wasn t a believer in coincidences. He needed
to see how happy or not Adam and Todd were with being something other than human,
then deal with the guilt he felt.
He wanted Jamie to have his friendship with Adam. That was important. Luuk would
do whatever he had to in order to ensure Jamie and Adam didn t lose each other again.
 You re thinking awful hard.
Luuk lifted his head. He d been staring blankly at the floor as he ran things over in his
mind. He hadn t even heard Jamie come out of the bathroom, a rare lapse of attentiveness on
his part. Jamie stood nude and beautiful, his lean form a little healthier-looking than it had
been, thanks to a few days of regular meals and rest. Luuk tracked his gaze from the top of
Jamie s dark head to the elegant arch of his feet and the thin, almost too-long toes, before
returning to Jamie s heavy-lidded eyes.
REVOLUTION Bailey Bradford
What had he been thinking about? Luuk blinked, unable not to see the thickening cock
pointing almost right at him. He tried to maintain eye contact but his gaze was inexorably
drawn down to that hard length.
 I happen to know a very good way to quit worrying, which is what you were sitting
here doing.
Luuk might have nodded, he wasn t sure. Jamie ran his thumb over a fat vein on his
cock and Luuk gulped.
 In fact, I d say what I have in mind will blow yours. Jamie closed his hand around his
cock and slowly began to stroke.  You take too much on your shoulders, he murmured, and
some little voice told Luuk he hadn t shielded Jamie from any of his worries.
 You aren t responsible for everything that s happened to us, or to Adam and Todd,
Jamie continued, dancing the fingers of his other hand over his balls.  We all make decisions,
and unless you re God and have predestined us on what to choose, then you can t really
accept the blame for anything anyone else does, can you?
 Uh. Luuk blinked again. His cock ached from the awkward angle it d reached as he
grew hard and Luuk squirmed a bit as he tried to rectify the situation.  Yeah? he guessed,
since Jamie was looking at him expectantly. And snickering at him. Luuk shook his head.
 You can t expect me to have a serious, philosophical discussion when you re naked and
playing with yourself!
 Sure I can. Jamie grinned and pushed the fingers that had been on his balls further
back behind them.  Ah, that feels so good. Not as good when you do it, but&  A bead of
moisture glistened in his slit.
Luuk s mouth watered and he gave up being comfortable, at least clothed. He
unfastened his pants and was rewarded with a hitch in Jamie s breath as he watched Luuk. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
