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345. a. 4,3,2,1
b. 4,1,3,2
c. 1,4,2,3
d. 1,3,2,4
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Page 74
1) Leaving us behind in a bitter cloud of exhaust, the bus would cough and jolt down the narrow
main street of Crossland. 2) Then, even before the bus got moving, she'd look away, ahead
toward her real life. 3) But I could always imagine the way it would be once it got out on the
open highway, gathering speed as if the wind had caught its sails, bearing Grandma back to a life
as exotic to me as the deserts of Egypt. 4) When Grandma's visit was over, we'd take her down to
the Greyhound station and watch her hand her ticket to the uniformed driver, disappear inside,
and reappear to wave good-bye, her expression obscured by the bus's grimy window.
346. a. 4,2,1,3
b. 4,1,3,2
c. 1,3,4,2
d. 1,2,3,4
1) The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizens freedom from double
jeopardy in criminal proceedings. 2) It also means a person cannot be tried for a crime for which
he has already been convicted; that is to say, a person convicted by a state court cannot be tried
for the same offense in, for example, federal court. 3) Finally, a person cannot be punished more
than once for the same crime. 4) This means that a person cannot be tried for a crime for which
he has already been acquitted.
347. a. 1,4,2,3
b. 1,2,4,3
c. 3,2,1,4
d. 3,4,2,1
1) For example, a man in Texas was convicted of stealing the guns belonging to Clayton Moore,
TV's Lone Ranger. 2) Another example of this kind of sentence is when convicted drunk drivers
are ordered to place a bumper sticker on their car that publicizes their crime. 3) In addition to a
fine and probation, the gun thief was ordered to complete 600 hours of community service
cleaning the Houston Police Department's horse stables. 4) In recent years, courts have begun
handing down criminal sentences that include an element of humiliation.
348. a. 1,4,2,3
b. 2,1,4,3
c. 4,1,3,2
d. 3,2,4,1
1) Every spring the softball field became his favorite destination, and he had taken his son Arnie
there when he was small and tried to teach him how to pitch. 2) He walked home, as usual,
through the park and, as usual, passed by the softball field. 3) This memory made him feel sad
and guilty. 4) Arnie hadn't been in the least interested in softball, and so after two or three lessons
he had given up the idea.
349. a. 2,1,4,3
b. 3,2,1,4
c. 4,3,1,2
d. 2,3,4,1
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Page 75
1) If there were injuries on the scene, complete report form 103; if there was loss of or damage to
equipment, complete form 107.2) If form 107 and form 103 are required, complete form 122
also. 3) Log on to the computer and go to the directory that contains the report forms. 4) As a
firefighter, after a fire is put out you must write a report on what occurred at the scene.
350. a. 3,2,1,4
b. 1,3,4,2
c. 2,1,4,3
d. 4,3,1,2
1) Among these exceptions is the exigent circumstances exception. 2) There are only a few
exceptions to the requirement that a police officer must obtain a search warrant before searching
for evidence of a crime. 3) However, whether a search is conducted with a warrant or without, an
officer must always be able to show that there was probable cause to believe a search was
necessary. 4) In order for a warrantless exigent search to be valid, a police officer must show
both that there was no time to obtain a warrant and that it was reasonable to believe evidence
would be destroyed or that people were in danger.
351. a. 2,1,4,3
b. 4,2,3,1
c. 2,3,4,1
d. 2,3,1,4
1) Yet the human brain is the most mysterious and complex object on earth. 2) It has created
poetry and music, planned and executed horrific wars, devised intricate scientific theories. 3) It
thinks and dreams, plots and schemes, and easily holds more information than all the libraries on
earth. 4) It weighs less than three pounds and is hardly more interesting to look at than an overly
ripe cauliflower.
352. a. 1,3,4,2
b. 2,1,4,3
c. 3,1,2,4
d. 4,1,2,3
1) Criminal laws are usually written by state legislatures. 2) In addition, there is a third kind of
criminal law. 3) Recognized Indian tribes have jurisdiction over some crimes that are committed
on their reservations. 4) However, some crimes, such as racketeering, are federal.
353. a. 3,2,4,1
b. 3,4,1,2
c. 1,4,2,3
d. 1,3,2,4
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Page 76
1) The kidnapper must intend to hold the person for ransom, intend to use the person as a
hostage, intend to inflict injury upon the person, or intend to interfere with the performance of
any government function. 2) A person commits a kidnapping by confining another person or
forcibly moving another person from place to place. 3) Also, the person must know that he or she
does not have the authority to confine or move the other person, nor that person's permission to
do so. 4) In addition, one of several other conditions must be present for a kidnapping to occur.
354. a. 4,1,2,3
b. 2,3,4,1
c. 4,2,1,3
d. 2,1,4,3
1) Japanese green tea is considered a gourmet treat by many tea drinkers, but it is much more
than that. 2) Studies show that this relaxing drink may have disease-fighting properties. 3) Green
tea inhibits some viruses and may protect people from heart disease.
355. a. 1,2,3
b. 2,1,3
c. 2,3,1
d. 3,1,2
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Page 77
Section 5
Putting It All Together
Now that you've had lots of practice with the basics of grammar and sentence structure, and
you've also had practice developing paragraphs, it's time to put all of those skills together. The
sets in this section will test your ability to recognize all types of writing errors. These sets consist
of paragraphs with numbered parts, followed by two, three, or four questions. The questions
focus not only on grammar and structure, but also on word choice, tone, style, organization, and
effective transitions between sentences. These questions ask you to look at various types of
writing and to make decisions about the most effective way to edit and revise.
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Page 78
SET 26 (Answers begin on page 140.)
Answer questions 356 358 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Greyhound racing is the sixth most popular spectator sport in the United States. (2) Over the
last decade, a growing number of racers have been adopted to live out retirement as household
pets, once there racing career is over.
(3) Many people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old
dogs are available. (4) People also worry that the greyhound will be more nervous and active than
other breeds and will need a large space to run. (5) ___________________
___________________________. (6) In fact, racing greyhounds are put up for adoption at a
young age; even champion racers, who have the longest careers, only work until they are about
three-and-a-half years old. (7) Since greyhounds usually live to be 12 15 years old, their
retirement is much longer than their racing careers. (8) Far from being nervous dogs, greyhounds
have naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and, while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than
distance runners and are sufficiently exercised with a few laps around a fenced-in backyard
everyday. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
